Monday 2 September 2013


Have you ever come across an opportunity that you thought you were perfect for only to not land it? Have you seen it go to the least likely person just because he was better connected? So have I.
If there's anything in the world, anything at all, that makes my blood boil, it's nepotism. This undying plague that humanity carries around, letting it influence his each and every decision is appalling. The lack of respect a person has for the institutions he stands for is appalling. The right man should get the right job, yes? Then why is that almost never the case?
Sometimes I feel the communists got it right - a job for each man and every man with a job. You get placed into careers where you have no choice but at least your basic qualifications are what is used for selection and not your social standing. But we all know how that panned out for them. The ability of nepotism to crack an institution as strong as communism shows how deep rooted this desire to please our friends and family is!
India is a country famous for its corruption. It's one scandal after the other right now. But has anyone really analyzed the root cause of these scandals. Why is there corruption in the country? My personal opinion is that it can all be traced back to this disgusting practice of nepotism. It is but obvious that a person who's not fit for the job will not know how to do it properly; and when he does not know how to do his job, he will take to making as much money out of the deal before he's asked to leave.
So friends, Indians, countrymen, lend me your ears - if you want progress to happen in this country, stop - I repeat STOP - giving chances to people who don't deserve it only because you know them.